trail guide books 3d maps computer generated qr code trail start

The Official Guidebook to Hiking, Snorkeling and Camping in
Conway National Park and the Whitsunday Islands

3d hiking guide computer generated qr code trail start

Paperback written in Australia by bestselling author Scott Rauvers.
This is the very first book of its kind to incorporate 3D Terrain Imaging of scenic lookout points along the trail, as well as GPS locations of the scenic lookouts. All 26 trails in this guidebook  include the GPS locations of the exact starting point of each trail. Use the quick trail lookup table to select your trail by Length, Popularity, Elevation or Grade. Point your phone at the QR Code to be taken straight to the start of each trail or use the quick index to choose a trail of your liking. Includes index. 126 Pages. Published April 2023.
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